Mugshots have been used throughout history and have photographed criminals, public and even celebrities as well as famous figures throughout. Many mugshots have been released into the public domain so the public can keep a look out for any strange activity and to help them find any criminals that may go missing from prisons and alike.

Mugshots used to be used for Wild west wanted posters, these posters would show the accused, their name, crime, date of the crime committed, and usually a reward for either the accused arrested a live or brought in dead. Some mugshots of famous celebrities have been put into newspapers through the press to show the public that it's not just everyday people that commit crimes. Some of the most famous mugshots are often History Figures, Celebrities and Murderers.
The mugshot invented by Allan Pinkerton has been used since the early 19th Century. Mugshots are always a side profile and a head on profile of the accused, when these images are shown in courts police must make sure there is nothing that makes one criminal stand out from another by taking all mugshots the same.

Mugshots used to be used for Wild west wanted posters, these posters would show the accused, their name, crime, date of the crime committed, and usually a reward for either the accused arrested a live or brought in dead. Some mugshots of famous celebrities have been put into newspapers through the press to show the public that it's not just everyday people that commit crimes. Some of the most famous mugshots are often History Figures, Celebrities and Murderers.
The mugshot invented by Allan Pinkerton has been used since the early 19th Century. Mugshots are always a side profile and a head on profile of the accused, when these images are shown in courts police must make sure there is nothing that makes one criminal stand out from another by taking all mugshots the same.
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